The reduction of the Carbon Footprint is a key factor for the sustainability of organizations.
Our approach streamlines its monitoring and builds a real system for its reduction, in order to turn the Sustainability Strategy into action.
Diagnóstico, Sistema de Medida e Roadmap
Caracterizar a pegada de carbono, digitalizar a recolha e análise de dados, identificar potencial e cenários de redução
Roadmap de Sustentabilidade
Implementação software Emitwise
Automatização de reporting
Gestão diária da Pegada de Carbono
Atividades de melhoria para reduzir a pegada de carbono
Atividades de melhoria para compensar a pegada de carbono
Avaliação dos riscos das Alterações Climáticas para a organização
Melhoria da Performance
Atividades de melhoria de implementação rápida para reduzir emissões e pegada de carbono
Eliminar desperdício e fontes de poluição através de redesenho dos processos
Utilizar materiais/desenvolver produtos com maior vida útil
Transformar o impactos negativo na comunidade em impacto positivo
Regeneração de sistemas naturais
Economia Circular
Atividades de melhoria dos processos e dos produtos de forma a gerar um impacto ambiental positivo
Sustainability, as the ability to meet society's present needs without compromising conditions for future generations, is the order of the day.
Companies are under increasing pressure from their customers and other stakeholders and, at the same time, must face several challenges and risks.
The sustainability strategy of each organization is increasingly central to its competitiveness.
With Actio, put your strategy into practice and unlock the full potential of reducing your carbon footprint.
Increase the capacity of the environment and sustainability teams
By automating the process of collecting and analyzing data for calculating and reporting the carbon footprint. Sustainability teams typically spend 80% of their time gathering, organizing and analyzing data, but only 20% defining and implementing improvement actions
improve results and shareholder COMMITMENT
There is a clear ROI in Sustainability. Consumers are increasingly concerned with sustainability and for stakeholders it is vital for the long-term survival of organizations.
integrate the carbon footprint into business and operations
In many cases, the carbon footprint is calculated annually for reporting purposes. We help organizations to give visibility, at various levels, to the carbon footprint and make it an operational indicator, rather than just meeting a legal requirement